10 Best Dating Site In Switzerland

5/27/2022by admin
10 Best Dating Site In Switzerland Average ratng: 4,2/5 1147 reviews

10 Tips for Creating the Perfect Online Dating Profile for Expats. In a perfect world, you and your soulmate would bump into each other on the streets of Switzerland, lock eyes, and fall madly in love the next second. Switzerland Dating. Switzerland Dating is an inclusive and friendly online dating app for people to find and enjoy love. Best trendy app has been featured on major media such as BBC, Yahoo, Mirror, People and grows over 1,000,000 members globally. 🌟 “Let's mark Switzerland Dating as a win for body positivity.”.

You're single and successful, so why doesn't your love life follow suit? Jennifer Davies and Ana Maria Montero investigate.

You're single and successful. You dress well and know what wine to order. You moved to Switzerland because you love the idea of taking on new challenges and adventures. You've got serious form, for goodness sakes! Then why doesn't your love life follow suit?

Charlotte* is a trainee lawyer from New York who has lived in Switzerland for five years and currently lives in Bern. She's 28, blond and tall and has come out of a long term relationship. She's been looking for love for nearly a year and says it has not been easy.

'It's really different here compared to the US. Americans don't take themselves too seriously and have no problem flirting. There you are used to guys approaching you and you can easily strike up a conversation with anyone.'

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Talking about her experience in Bern, Charlotte says she is almost never approached, and some men have even reacted negatively to being 'chatted up'. 'People tend to stick to the group they go out with for the evening and don't come over to you – ever!' she says. 'You could be the last girl in the bar and it's unlikely that you would be approached. That means, as a woman you have to be more assertive and overt to talk to a guy as he's usually with his friends.'

According to Lesley Lawson Botez, a Geneva-based psychologist and author of Holding out for a hero, five steps to marriage over 40, Charlotte is not alone. She believes that the attributes that make Charlotte such a 'catch' are typical of international singles in affluent nations; yet more and more people in countries like Switzerland are finding it difficult to find love, often right up until later life. Lawson-Botez pinpoints two reasons: 'International people work very hard. Here in Geneva, you spend a whole career assigned in an organisation before you realise ‘I've got no-one to come home to!' The second challenge is that when a society has all it needs and more, its people are less outgoing with each other', she says. 'We start to perceive independence through the acquisition of things, but don't seek to connect everyday with people.'

Yet despite the challenges on the ground, international singles in Switzerland will be glad to know that the statistics look optimistic. According to the Swiss government's figures last year in 2013, expatriate lovebirds are well represented. Some 35 percent of marriages were between a Swiss and a foreigner and 13.8 percent were between foreigners.

Navigating the services and events on offer for love-seekers all over the country is a certainly a task to be reckoned with. Aside from the ubiquitous online dating sites, there are supper clubs, speed dating, dating apps, and a myriad of singles events based on your interest or subculture in music, art, books or food. And then there are the stalwart favourites, which nowadays seem steeped in nostalgia. Newspaper 'lonely hearts' and now online personal ads on newspaper sites have, perhaps surprisingly, remained as popular as ever, with papers across the country reporting significant numbers placed every week.

Yet no matter which method you choose, many couples who have met here say you won't meet a significant other until you truly examine how you come across to a potential partner. Rebecca,* an American living in Uetikon am See, was looking for someone for a year and a half before she found her partner, also an American living here, through an online dating service. She says that his very straightforward approach won her over. 'I think it is important to try to be clear about the things one is looking for. Perhaps I was too flexible on this point. My partner was very direct and I met his criteria and that's why he wrote me a fantastic first email!'

The experts agree that working on yourself and how you are perceived comes first. and that the next step – becoming proactive – is the key to finding love. 'A lot of men and women feel that finding a partner has become a ‘mission impossible'. But they have to ask themselves what have they done to achieve their goal of finding a partner?' says Trea Tijmens from the Zurich and Geneva-based Success Match. 'If they keep telling themselves they can't find anyone then they probably won't,' she explains, 'instead of waiting for love to happen, we have to be proactive and create opportunities. We have to engage with our environment; to unplug from our iPhones, look around us, smile and make eye contact with people.'

Tijmens, who also provides date coaching services, believes that career women, like Charlotte's example, find it especially challenging and must be more open minded. 'We are so used to making checklists at work, that we do the same for our love lives and sometimes that makes us forgo perfectly suitable partners,' she explains. 'Many women tend to look for someone who is a better version of themselves – they tend to want to look up to their partner, but when you're at the top of your game that means your pool could become very small.' And the traditionally masculine traits and driven demeanour that's made women so successful at work, might work against them in the dating process. 'Women often don't realise that men are not using the same criteria in their search for a partner. Sure, they appreciate women who are smart and successful, however they say she needs to look, feel and act feminine. Most importantly men want someone who makes
them feel good. They are, in many respects, much more open.'

The rules of the dating game may have changed over the past decade but if you're searching for love in Switzerland, then there is no shortage of places to look, just make sure you're willing, prepared, and actively taking part in the journey.

* The names of interviewees have been changed at their request.



Visit the Hello Switzerland Dating page for more advice on dating in Switzerland, provided by our dating partner Success Match, Switzerland's leading confidential and personalized dating and matchmaking agency for international professionals in Switzerland.

Contents show

Swiss Women Overview

Ready to learn all about Swiss girls, the local dating scene, and the best places to meet these beauties? If yes, then let’s start with defining Swiss girls’ appearance, character traits, and popular stereotypes.

10 Best Dating Site In Switzerland List

What Do Swiss Women Look Like?

In many men’s eyes, Swiss girls appear as all quite tall women with grey or blue eyes and luxurious blonde hair. It’s true: Swiss women have typical Caucasian facial features with fair hair, delicate lips, straight noses, and almond or oval-shaped faces. As for figures, most Switzerland women have fit curves with moderate body fat levels. Many girls have hour-glass lines, with prominent shoulders, hips, and narrow waists.

Swiss Beauty Trends

Like most European ladies of today, Swiss girls usually follow natural beauty trends. A woman might use minimum makeup or allow herself to walk along the street without makeup at all. A bad thing, might you think? It’s a good thing since you can choose between the truly beautiful women without tricking yourself with glossy makeup faces.



Swiss women have typical Caucasian facial features with fair hair, delicate lips, straight noses, and almond or oval-shaped faces. As for figures, most Switzerland women have fit curves with moderate body fat levels.

You will hardly find eccentric women with scarlet lips and eyelids painted in blue. As a result, natural beauty trends play in favor of both men and women. As for outfits, Swiss girls wear typical mass-market outfits (Zara, H&M, ASOS, and other brands), which is excellent, too. Most women of Switzerland choose a combination of elegance and practicality in their daily wardrobes. You may meet many typical businesswomen wearing classic female jackets, skirts, trousers, etc.

Most Distinctive Swiss Women’s Characteristics

First and foremost, Switzerland is an emancipated state, one of the core countries with the highest human freedom index. Hence both men and women earn equally excellent money there. So, the average Swiss GDP per capita is almost $82,000, which is higher than it is in the United States. So by no means will you attract a Swiss lady with your purse. However, personal qualities are a whole different story. Your love, support, and respect will be valued way more than your income. Most importantly, Swiss women focus their efforts on financial prosperity rather than marriage and babysitting. So unlike girls from Ukraine, Laos, or Brazil, a woman in Switzerland will prioritize a career over domestic chores. In Switzerland, many women strike for feminism. Do they all hate men, then? In practice, most Swiss women struggle for equal opportunities and salaries rather than matriarchate. In other words, Swiss women love men (foreigners included) and fight against sexism (including discrimination toward men). In this regard, Swiss feminism is about women’s independence rather than hatred toward men.

Swiss Women Attitudes

Like many Western and Central European nations, Swiss people are much more introverted. They don’t usually meet each other on the streets. Instead, Swiss women prefer free and paid online dating applications. Or, they meet their love within their communication environment: at work, at parties, through friends, at bars and nightclubs, etc. So if you want to date a Swiss woman, you will better find her ID on a dating site.

Swiss women prefer free and paid online dating applications. Or, they meet their love within their communication environment: at work, at parties, through friends, at bars and nightclubs, etc.

Popular Swiss Women Stereotypes

Each nation accumulates some stereotypes. So check popular beliefs about Swiss people and find out which stereotype is false.

  • All Swiss women are blondes. Some believe hot Swiss girls are natural blondes. However, that’s not true at all. While many women (around 40%) have blonde hair, other girls have brown or black hair like Swedish women. By the way, 80% of Swiss women have dyed their hair at least once, so you will never know what hair color a Swiss woman has just by looking at her. Indeed, for women, hair color is as variable as a modern stock market.
  • All Swiss women are feminists. Swiss women indeed fight for equality. Yet, the country still has some patriarchal roots. As a result, you may find a traditional Swiss girl who dreams of leaving her job and bearing children. Also, Swiss feminism is much softer regarding families compared to Norwegian setup. In a Swiss family, a man preserves the leading role and is responsible for the household’s prosperity. Yet, most Swiss women are working and comprise over 45% of the country’s labor force.
  • All Swiss women have many sex partners. While Swiss women have six partners over their lifetimes, they’re pretty committed in their relationships. Casual dating is almost non-existent in Switzerland, either in Iceland. The locals follow one simple rule: one partner at a time. It’s fair, practical, and doesn’t hurt since your girl won’t cheat on you. Additionally, you have to develop an unfixable misunderstanding gap (to the level when you have become strangers to each other) in your relationship to break up. So Swiss people are loyal and committed to their significant others.
  • All Swiss women are rich. Beliefs and jokes about a person’s financial capabilities always hurt. In our unequal world, some people may make ends meet even living in Switzerland. Sure, this country stands out in terms of living standards, but poverty is still present.

Dating in Switzerland: The Key Features

Despite that Swiss babes are quite emancipated and independent, the Swiss dating culture shares more features with Eastern Europe than Norway. Thus, you may not expect Swiss chicks to behave like true feminists. So check our insights into the Switzerland dating scene.

A Man Makes the First Move

Swiss men usually hesitate to approach their women. Yet, the local girls want them to do so. Swiss women appreciate it when a guy makes the first move and does all this courtesy stuff. Our suggestion: while dating Swiss brides, don’t hesitate to show initiative and reasonable masculinity. Approach a woman you like, take her phone, text her, ask her for a date, etc. In other words, many Swiss ladies want men to apply some effort.

10 Best Dating Site In Switzerland 2020

A Swiss girl won’t mind going to the restaurant, cinema, or cafĂ©. Yet, she will do this after a couple of appointments.

Outdoor Activities Are Appreciated

Swiss people prefer spending time outdoors. These girls and guys may go hiking, sightseeing, or just walking along the streets on the first date. In summer, your girl will 100% offer you to spend time outdoors. No bars, cinemas, and cafes? Not exactly. A Swiss girl won’t mind going to the restaurant, cinema, or cafĂ©. Yet, she will do this after a couple of appointments.

Formal Body Language

Swiss ladies are much more reserved when it comes to interpersonal communication. If you’re a stranger, a Swiss woman will not touch you, for example. If she is your friend, you may not expect to hug her or kiss her on the cheeks. As for the first date, you may shake her hand instead of embracing her waist. Thus, Swiss singles are much more reserved with people they don’t know well. However, once you’re in a relationship, you will enjoy the full range of affection and physical contact.

Typical Conversation Topics

As for conversation topics, Swiss girls are again a bit reserved. A girl may not tell everything about herself on the first date. After all, you might still be a “stranger” to her at this point. Once she gets a bit more comfortable with you and realizes she can build a long-standing relationship with you, she will open her soul to you. On the first date, you may not want to tell a lot about yourself as well. Reserve something to know about yourself for further dates. It will spark your Swiss girl’s interest.

Splitting the Check is Okay

In Switzerland, you may surprisingly spend less money on dating than you would in Latin America. It’s because Swiss couples often split the bill. You may insist on paying the restaurant check. However, you will never discourage your woman by splitting the bill. It’s okay for her to pay for her meal and entertainment since she respects your finances. She doesn’t want to burden your purse.

There is Nothing Special in Foreigners

Let’s imagine you’re going to Brazil for dating. As an American guy, you will face less competition in the local dating arena since you have a higher income, more opportunities, and a higher status. In Switzerland, a girl will ask you “so what?” Relying on your foreign status doesn’t work in Switzerland. Keep in mind two million foreign nationals.



Where to Meet Swiss Girls?

Ready to date Swiss girls? Then check the best dating spots in Switzerland.

Best Cities to Visit: Zurich, Geneva

You will have the highest chance of meeting a Swiss girl in the most populated cities. In Switzerland, these are:

  1. Zurich. It’s the largest city in the entire Switzerland, with the total population of 415,000 people.
  2. Geneva. It’s the second most populated city in the country, with over 200,000 people living there.

These cities feature dozens of cinemas, theaters, clubs, pubs, bars, restaurants, parks, museums, and other entertainment sites. So you will always choose from countless places to ask your Swiss girl for a date and get unforgettable memories together.

Some of the best destinations in Zurich include:

  • Kunsthaus Zurich.
  • Zurich Zoo.
  • GrossmĂŒnster.
  • Bahnhofstrasse.
  • The Old Town.

As for Geneva, you can opt for these sites:

  • Lake Geneva.
  • Patek Philippe Museum.
  • Jardin Botanique.
  • Vieille Ville.
10 Best Dating Site In Switzerland

Day Game in Switzerland

Practically, similar day game rules work in any country, including Switzerland. In this state, the girls on the street may ignore you. But if you make enough attempts, approaching several girls, a particular Swiss lady will give you her phone number or social media contact. As for the best day game places, parks, shopping malls, cafes, and restaurants will become your favorite options:

  • Metro Shopping Cornavin, Geneva.
  • Balexert shopping center, Geneva.
  • Jet d’Eau, Geneva.
  • Einkaufszentrum Letzipark, Zurich.
  • ShopVille – Zurich Main Station, Zurich.


You will have a much higher chance to succeed in your dating hunt past 9 PM. Switzerland’s nightlife is vibrant, offering countless places to hang out at night. Bars, clubs, casinos, and pubs of Zurich and Geneva will always come in handy. Check the following destinations in Zurich:

  • Kaufleuten.
  • Gonzo.
  • Club Bellevue.
  • Alice Choo.

The top nightlife sites in Geneva include:

  • Java Club.
  • Village du Soir.
  • Baby Boa.
  • Mambo Club.

Approaching a slightly drunk girl chilling at the bar counter is much easier than picking up the same girl on the street. At the bar, a single girl might scan the crowd for guys. Once you land next to her seat, alcohol will do its job, and she’s yours.


Online Dating Sites

The best thing you can do is register on Switzerland dating sites and find a girl online. In Switzerland, 90% of households have a stable internet connection. Today, online dating is much more beneficial than traditional game for these reasons:

  • You don’t need to waste cash while hoping to pick up someone at the bar.
  • Most Swiss people prefer online dating sites.
  • Arriving in Switzerland for a girl you have previously met is better than traveling to the unknown.

The Final Thoughts on Dating Swiss Women

Beautiful Swiss girls become a favorable choice for long-lasting relationships since you will get the cocktail of sincere affection, practicality, and deep commitment. Most importantly, no drama will occur. The best way to find a Swiss lady is by registering a profile on a Swiss dating site. So hesitate no more and find your dream Swiss girl online.

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